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ps نفي 2   »   en Negation 2

65 [ پنځه شپیته ]

نفي 2

نفي 2

65 [sixty-five]

Negation 2

غوره کړئ چې تاسو څنګه غواړئ ژباړه وګورئ:   
Pashto English (UK) لوبه وکړئ نور
ایا ده ګوته ګرانه ده؟ Is the ring expensive? Is the ring expensive? 1
نه، دا تش سل یورو قیمت لري. No, it costs only one hundred Euros. No, it costs only one hundred Euros. 1
مګر زه تش پنځوس لرم. But I have only fifty. But I have only fifty. 1
آیا ته چمتو یې Are you finished? Are you finished? 1
نه، تر اوسه نه. No, not yet. No, not yet. 1
مګر زه به ډیر ژر ترسره شي. But I’ll be finished soon. But I’ll be finished soon. 1
ایا تاسو نور سوپ غواړئ؟ Do you want some more soup? Do you want some more soup? 1
نه، زه نور نه غواړم. No, I don’t want anymore. No, I don’t want anymore. 1
مګر یو بل آیس کریم. But another ice cream. But another ice cream. 1
ایا تاسو دلته ډیر وخت ژوند کړی؟ Have you lived here long? Have you lived here long? 1
نه، تش یوه میاشت. No, only for a month. No, only for a month. 1
مګرزه ډیر خلک پیژنم. But I already know a lot of people. But I already know a lot of people. 1
ایا تاسو سبا کور ته ځئ؟ Are you driving home tomorrow? Are you driving home tomorrow? 1
نه، تش د اونۍ په اخیر کې. No, only on the weekend. No, only on the weekend. 1
مګر زه به د یکشنبې په ورځ بیرته راشم. But I will be back on Sunday. But I will be back on Sunday. 1
ایا ستاسو لور لا لویه شوې ده؟ Is your daughter an adult? Is your daughter an adult? 1
نه، هغه یوازې اوولس کلنه ده. No, she is only seventeen. No, she is only seventeen. 1
مګر هغه لا دمخه یو ملګری لري. But she already has a boyfriend. But she already has a boyfriend. 1


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