ازموینه 17

په ازموينه کې لګول شوي وخت::

Sun Sep 22, 2024


په یوه کلمه کلیک وکړئ
1. the grandmother
nana /   See hint
2. eight
3. The orange is orange.
je narandžasta.   See hint
4. Do you have a corkscrew?
Imaš vadičep?   See hint
5. Are there any other places of interest?
Koje znamenitosti postoje?   See hint
6. I would like some fruit or cheese.
Htio / bih voće ili sir.   See hint
7. He drives a motorbike.
On se motorom.   See hint
8. How much is the entrance fee?
Koliko košta ,   See hint
9. Can one rent a sun umbrella / parasol here?
Može li ovdje iznajmiti suncobran?   See hint
10. I’m looking for a confectionery.
tražim slastičarnu.   See hint