ازموینه 61

په ازموينه کې لګول شوي وخت::

Fri Sep 27, 2024


په یوه کلمه کلیک وکړئ
1. You all learn Italian.
Ti tanultok.   See hint
2. I’m not working today.
Ma dolgozom.   See hint
3. We like to stay home in winter.
Télen szívesen otthon.   See hint
4. Let’s go to the balcony.
az erkélyre?   See hint
5. The room is too noisy.
szoba túl hangos.   See hint
6. When does the train arrive in Amsterdam?
Mikor érkezik a vonat Amszterdamba?   See hint
7. Where can I make a call?
Hol telefonálni?   See hint
8. Can you get me a ticket?
Tud nekem belépőt szerezni?   See hint
9. Is the water deep?
a víz?   See hint
10. Aren’t you hungry?
Nem éhesek?   See hint