ازموینه 44

په ازموينه کې لګول شوي وخت::

Tue Sep 24, 2024


په یوه کلمه کلیک وکړئ
1. I am sorry, but I already have plans.
ļoti žēl, bet man jau ir citi plāni.   See hint
2. the week
3. I am eating a sandwich with margarine.
Es ēdu ar margarīnu.   See hint
4. He is a foreigner.
Viņš ārzemnieks.   See hint
5. I would like a room with a shower.
Es vēlos ar dušu.   See hint
6. Do you also like to eat broccoli?
Vai tu labprāt ēd brokoļus?   See hint
7. Please drive slowly.
Brauciet, lūdzu,   See hint
8. Where are the gorillas and the zebras?
ir gorillas un zebras?   See hint
9. It is currently a tie.
ir neizšķirts.   See hint
10. I am looking for a job.
Es meklēju ,   See hint