ازموینه 38

په ازموينه کې لګول شوي وخت::

Tue Sep 24, 2024


په یوه کلمه کلیک وکړئ
1. How long will you be staying?
Колико остајете?   See hint
2. Tuesday
3. I have a banana and a pineapple.
имам банану и ананас.   See hint
4. What do you like to read?
Шта радо ,   See hint
5. Do you have a vacant room?
Имате ли собу?   See hint
6. I like to eat cucumber.
Ја радо краставце.   See hint
7. What does it cost to go to the airport?
Колико до аеродрома?   See hint
8. Where are the kangaroos?
Где кенгури?   See hint
9. There is also a swimming pool with a sauna.
Има и базен са сауном.   See hint
10. I am an intern.
Ја приправник.   See hint