ازموینه 48

په ازموينه کې لګول شوي وخت::

Wed Sep 25, 2024


په یوه کلمه کلیک وکړئ
1. four
2. The third day is Wednesday.
Трећи дан је ,   See hint
3. We need pizza and spaghetti.
Ми требамо пицу и ,   See hint
4. And I like the scenery, too.
И крајолик се такође допада.   See hint
5. Fine, I’ll take the room.
Добро, собу.   See hint
6. I don’t like mushrooms.
Ја не волим ,   See hint
7. Please give me a receipt.
Дајте ми молим.   See hint
8. Is there a nightclub here?
Има ли овде ноћни ,   See hint
9. fifty
10. to feel like / want to
расположен.   See hint