ازموینه 67

په ازموينه کې لګول شوي وخت::

Sat Sep 28, 2024


په یوه کلمه کلیک وکړئ
1. London is in Great Britain.
Лондон је у Великој ,   See hint
2. eleven
3. It is pleasant.
Ведро ,   See hint
4. Can you also speak Portuguese?
Знате ли и ,   See hint
5. I don’t like that.
То ми не свиђа.   See hint
6. What does a berth in the sleeper cost?
Колико кошта у колима за спавање?   See hint
7. We need help.
требамо помоћ.   See hint
8. We want to go to the cinema.
желимo у биоскоп.   See hint
9. fifty-one
и један   See hint
10. I have the appointment at ten o’clock.
имам заказан термин у десет часова.   See hint