Test 38

Čas strávený na teste::

Wed Oct 02, 2024


Kliknite na slovo
1. Ako dlho zostanete?
How long you be staying?   See hint
2. utorok
3. Mám banán a ananás.
have a banana and a pineapple.   See hint
4. Čo rád / rada čítate?
What do like to read?   See hint
5. Máte voľnú izbu?
Do you a vacant room?   See hint
6. Rád /-a jem uhorky.
like to eat cucumber.   See hint
7. Koľko to stojí na letisko?
does it cost to go to the airport?   See hint
8. Kde sú klokany?
Where the kangaroos?   See hint
9. Máme tu aj plaváreň so saunou.
is also a swimming pool with a sauna.   See hint
10. Som praktikant.
I an intern.   See hint