Test 23

Čas strávený na teste::

Sat Oct 05, 2024


Kliknite na slovo
1. sestra
sister   See hint
2. Sú tri hodiny.
is three o’clock.   See hint
3. Pneumatiky sú čierne.
The / tires (am.) are black.   See hint
4. Tu sú poháre, taniere a servítky.
Here are glasses, plates and napkins.   See hint
5. Vidíš tamten most?
Do you the bridge there?   See hint
6. Toast so salámou a syrom?
with sausage and cheese?   See hint
7. Je to tu nebezpečné?
Is dangerous here?   See hint
8. Kto postavil tú budovu?
Who built building?   See hint
9. Dá sa tu prenajať surf?
one rent a surfboard?   See hint
10. Hľadám cukráreň, aby som kúpil tortu.
looking for a confectionery to buy a cake.   See hint