Test 50

Čas strávený na teste::

Tue Oct 08, 2024


Kliknite na slovo
1. Sme v škole.
We at school.   See hint
2. Piaty deň je piatok.
fifth day is Friday.   See hint
3. Do polievky potrebujeme mrkvu a paradajky.
We need and tomatoes for the soup.   See hint
4. Som prekladateľ.
I am translator.   See hint
5. Tu je moja batožina.
Here my luggage.   See hint
6. Kedy ide ďalší vlak do Berlína?
When is next train to Berlin?   See hint
7. To je dobré. Zvyšok je pre Vás.
That is , please keep the change.   See hint
8. Čo hrajú dnes večer v divadle?
What’s at the theatre / theater (am.) this evening?   See hint
9. Ideme na kúpalisko?
Shall we to the swimming pool?   See hint
10. mať strach
to afraid   See hint