Test 41

Čas strávený na teste::

Tue Oct 01, 2024


Kliknite na slovo
1. Navštívte ma niekedy!
do visit me sometime   See hint
2. piatok
3. Jem toast s maslom.
I am toast with butter.   See hint
4. Rád / rada chodievate do opery?
you like to go to the opera?   See hint
5. Potrebujem dvojposteľovú izbu.
need a double room.   See hint
6. Aj Vy máte radi kyslú kapustu?
Do you like to eat sauerkraut?   See hint
7. Prosím, tam na rohu doľava.
Please turn at the corner.   See hint
8. Tam je kaviareň.
There is café over there.   See hint
9. Nemecké mužstvo hrá proti anglickému.
German team is playing against the English one.   See hint
10. Toto je môj šéf.
That is boss.   See hint