Jezikovni vodič

sl nekaj morati   »   en to have to do something / must

72 [dvainsedemdeset]

nekaj morati

nekaj morati

72 [seventy-two]

to have to do something / must

Izberite, kako želite videti prevod:   
slovenščina angleščina (UK) Igraj Več
morati m--t must m-s- ---- must 0
Moram odposlati to pismo. I -us---o----h--l-t---. I must post the letter. I m-s- p-s- t-e l-t-e-. ----------------------- I must post the letter. 0
Moram plačati hotel. I -us--pay--h- --te-. I must pay the hotel. I m-s- p-y t-e h-t-l- --------------------- I must pay the hotel. 0
Moraš zgodaj vstati. You -u----et u---a---. You must get up early. Y-u m-s- g-t u- e-r-y- ---------------------- You must get up early. 0
Moraš veliko delati. You---s- w--k------. You must work a lot. Y-u m-s- w-r- a l-t- -------------------- You must work a lot. 0
Moraš biti točen / točna. Yo- ---- b- -u-ct-al. You must be punctual. Y-u m-s- b- p-n-t-a-. --------------------- You must be punctual. 0
On mora tankati. H- mu-- fu---/------etr-l ----- g-- (--.). He must fuel / get petrol / get gas (am.). H- m-s- f-e- / g-t p-t-o- / g-t g-s (-m-)- ------------------------------------------ He must fuel / get petrol / get gas (am.). 0
On mora popraviti avto. H---u---r---ir---e -ar. He must repair the car. H- m-s- r-p-i- t-e c-r- ----------------------- He must repair the car. 0
On mora oprati avto. He ---t----h---e -a-. He must wash the car. H- m-s- w-s- t-e c-r- --------------------- He must wash the car. 0
Ona mora nakupovati. S-e--us- -h-p. She must shop. S-e m-s- s-o-. -------------- She must shop. 0
Ona mora čistiti stanovanje. She--u-t c-e-- --e -par-m-nt. She must clean the apartment. S-e m-s- c-e-n t-e a-a-t-e-t- ----------------------------- She must clean the apartment. 0
Ona mora prati perilo. S-- -u-- w-----------th--. She must wash the clothes. S-e m-s- w-s- t-e c-o-h-s- -------------------------- She must wash the clothes. 0
Takoj moramo (iti) v šolo. W- --s--g--to---hool--- once. We must go to school at once. W- m-s- g- t- s-h-o- a- o-c-. ----------------------------- We must go to school at once. 0
Takoj moramo (iti) na delo. We mu-t-g--to-wo-k -t--n-e. We must go to work at once. W- m-s- g- t- w-r- a- o-c-. --------------------------- We must go to work at once. 0
Takoj moramo (iti) k zdravniku. We mu-t-go -o t-- -o-t-- -- -n-e. We must go to the doctor at once. W- m-s- g- t- t-e d-c-o- a- o-c-. --------------------------------- We must go to the doctor at once. 0
Počakati morate na avtobus. (Vi morate čakati na avtobus.) Y-u---st ---- for th- b--. You must wait for the bus. Y-u m-s- w-i- f-r t-e b-s- -------------------------- You must wait for the bus. 0
Počakati morate na vlak. You------w--- -o---h- -rai-. You must wait for the train. Y-u m-s- w-i- f-r t-e t-a-n- ---------------------------- You must wait for the train. 0
Počakati morate na taksi. Y-- -us--w-i----r-----ta-i. You must wait for the taxi. Y-u m-s- w-i- f-r t-e t-x-. --------------------------- You must wait for the taxi. 0


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