Jezikovni vodič

sl nekaj utemeljiti 3   »   en Giving reasons 3

77 [sedeminsedemdeset]

nekaj utemeljiti 3

nekaj utemeljiti 3

77 [seventy-seven]

Giving reasons 3

Izberite, kako želite videti prevod:   
slovenščina angleščina (UK) Igraj Več
Zakaj ne jeste torte? W-- -r-n’t--o- ---i-g-the -a--? W__ a_____ y__ e_____ t__ c____ W-y a-e-’- y-u e-t-n- t-e c-k-? ------------------------------- Why aren’t you eating the cake? 0
Moram shujšati. I mus--lo-e--eig-t. I m___ l___ w______ I m-s- l-s- w-i-h-. ------------------- I must lose weight. 0
Ne jem je, ker moram shujšati. I-- no- eat--g----b-cause --m-s---o-e w-----. I__ n__ e_____ i_ b______ I m___ l___ w______ I-m n-t e-t-n- i- b-c-u-e I m-s- l-s- w-i-h-. --------------------------------------------- I’m not eating it because I must lose weight. 0
Zakaj ne pijete piva? W-y -r-n’- y-u d---k-n- t---b-e-? W__ a_____ y__ d_______ t__ b____ W-y a-e-’- y-u d-i-k-n- t-e b-e-? --------------------------------- Why aren’t you drinking the beer? 0
Moram še voziti. I--a-- -- dr--e. I h___ t_ d_____ I h-v- t- d-i-e- ---------------- I have to drive. 0
Ne pijem ga, ker moram še voziti. I’m n-- -r-nk-ng -- becau-- - -a-- to--r-ve. I__ n__ d_______ i_ b______ I h___ t_ d_____ I-m n-t d-i-k-n- i- b-c-u-e I h-v- t- d-i-e- -------------------------------------------- I’m not drinking it because I have to drive. 0
Zakaj ne piješ kave? W-- are-’--you d--nkin---he-c-ff-e? W__ a_____ y__ d_______ t__ c______ W-y a-e-’- y-u d-i-k-n- t-e c-f-e-? ----------------------------------- Why aren’t you drinking the coffee? 0
Mrzla je. It----c-l-. I_ i_ c____ I- i- c-l-. ----------- It is cold. 0
Ne pijem je, ker je mrzla. I’- not-d--nki---it be----e -t----cold. I__ n__ d_______ i_ b______ i_ i_ c____ I-m n-t d-i-k-n- i- b-c-u-e i- i- c-l-. --------------------------------------- I’m not drinking it because it is cold. 0
Zakaj ne piješ čaja? Why ---n-- -ou--r----ng the-tea? W__ a_____ y__ d_______ t__ t___ W-y a-e-’- y-u d-i-k-n- t-e t-a- -------------------------------- Why aren’t you drinking the tea? 0
Nimam sladkorja. I-ha-- no ---ar. I h___ n_ s_____ I h-v- n- s-g-r- ---------------- I have no sugar. 0
Ne pijem ga, ker nimam sladkorja. I-- --t-drink--- it --c-use-- --n-- h--e --y----a-. I__ n__ d_______ i_ b______ I d____ h___ a__ s_____ I-m n-t d-i-k-n- i- b-c-u-e I d-n-t h-v- a-y s-g-r- --------------------------------------------------- I’m not drinking it because I don’t have any sugar. 0
Zakaj ne jeste juhe? Why a--n’t y-u --t--g--h--s--p? W__ a_____ y__ e_____ t__ s____ W-y a-e-’- y-u e-t-n- t-e s-u-? ------------------------------- Why aren’t you eating the soup? 0
Nisem je naročil(a). I--i--’t-orde- it. I d_____ o____ i__ I d-d-’- o-d-r i-. ------------------ I didn’t order it. 0
Ne jem je, ker je nisem naročil(a). I-----t eat--- i--be----e-I---d-’- o-der it. I__ n__ e_____ i_ b______ I d_____ o____ i__ I-m n-t e-t-n- i- b-c-u-e I d-d-’- o-d-r i-. -------------------------------------------- I’m not eating it because I didn’t order it. 0
Zakaj ne jeste mesa? W-y d---t---u -at-the--ea-? W__ d____ y__ e__ t__ m____ W-y d-n-t y-u e-t t-e m-a-? --------------------------- Why don’t you eat the meat? 0
Sem vegetarijanec (vegetarijanka). I--m a --g-t-ria-. I a_ a v__________ I a- a v-g-t-r-a-. ------------------ I am a vegetarian. 0
Ne jem ga, ker sem vegetarijanec (vegetarijanka). I-m n-- ea-i-g--t --ca-s- ---- ---eg-tarian. I__ n__ e_____ i_ b______ I a_ a v__________ I-m n-t e-t-n- i- b-c-u-e I a- a v-g-t-r-a-. -------------------------------------------- I’m not eating it because I am a vegetarian. 0


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