Test 28

Čas, porabljen za test::

Sun Sep 22, 2024


Kliknite na besedo
1. Ta družina je velika.
The family big.   See hint
2. Ura je osem.
is eight o’clock.   See hint
3. Kakšno barvo ima nebo? Modro.
What / color (am.) is the sky? Blue.   See hint
4. Ljubite glasbo?
Do you music?   See hint
5. Ta park mi je všeč.
I that park.   See hint
6. Prosim še sol in poper.
Some salt pepper also, please.   See hint
7. Moramo se vrniti.
We must around.   See hint
8. V živalskem vrtu
At zoo   See hint
9. Že kar dobro mi gre to.
I’m pretty at it.   See hint
10. Je zelo dobre kakovosti.
is very good quality.   See hint