Test 97

Čas, porabljen za test::

Tue Oct 01, 2024


Kliknite na besedo
1. Pišem knjigo.
I write book.   See hint
2. Ne maram penine.
do not like champagne.   See hint
3. Jaz obešam perilo.
I am up the laundry.   See hint
4. Prišel bom pote na dom.
I will you up at home.   See hint
5. Rad(a) bi kozarec belega vina.
I’d like glass of white wine.   See hint
6. Je to vaša prtljaga?
Is that luggage?   See hint
7. Kje se lahko kupi cvetlice?
can one buy flowers?   See hint
8. Potrebuješ velik kovček!
need a big suitcase   See hint
9. Potrebujem punčko in medvedka.
need a doll and a teddy bear.   See hint
10. Tudi noge so močne.
legs are also athletic.   See hint