Test 37

Čas, porabljen za test::

Wed Oct 02, 2024


Kliknite na besedo
1. Kako dolgo ste že tu?
How long you been here for?   See hint
2. ponedeljek
3. Imam eno jabolko in en mango.
I have apple and a mango.   See hint
4. Ravnokar berem to knjigo.
I am reading this book.   See hint
5. sedemindvajset
6. Rad jem koruzo.
I like eat (sweet) corn.   See hint
7. Koliko stane prevoz do železniške postaje?
does it cost to go to the station?   See hint
8. Kje so pingvini?
Where are penguins?   See hint
9. V našem mestu imamo nogometni stadion.
There a football / soccer (am.) stadium in our city.   See hint
10. Hočem študirati na univerzi.
want to go to college.   See hint