Test 68

Čas, porabljen za test::

Sat Oct 05, 2024


Kliknite na besedo
1. On govori angleško.
He English.   See hint
2. Januar
3. Kakšno je danes vreme?
What is weather like today?   See hint
4. Zdi se mi, da govorite zelo dobro.
I think speak very well.   See hint
5. To je zame predrago.
That’s too ,   See hint
6. štiriintrideset
7. Pokličite zdravnika!
Call doctor   See hint
8. Danes je na sporedu en dober film.
A good is playing today.   See hint
9. Hočem v knjižnico.
want to go to the library.   See hint
10. Kako vam je ime?
What your name?   See hint