Test 4

Čas, porabljen za test::

Wed Oct 02, 2024


Kliknite na besedo
1. moški; mož
man   See hint
2. sedem, osem, devet
seven, , nine   See hint
3. Dela v pisarni.
works at an office.   See hint
4. Kdo pomiva posodo?
Who does dishes?   See hint
5. Kako pridem na letališče?
How do get to the airport?   See hint
6. Rad(a) bi nekaj, na kar ne bo treba dolgo čakati.
I’d like that won’t take much time.   See hint
7. Kateri avtobus pelje v center?
Which goes to the city centre / center (am.)?   See hint
8. Kje moram prestopiti?
Where do have to change?   See hint
9. Kako dolgo traja ogled mesta z vodnikom?
long is the tour?   See hint
10. Hočeš s seboj vzeti avtomobilsko karto?
Do you to take a road map?   See hint