Test 43

Čas, porabljen za test::

Sat Oct 05, 2024


Kliknite na besedo
1. Se vidiva (vidimo) jutri?
Shall we each other tomorrow?   See hint
2. nedelja
3. Jem sendvič.
am eating a sandwich.   See hint
4. Odkod prihajate?
do you come from?   See hint
5. Rad(a) bi sobo s kopalnico.
would like a room with a bathroom.   See hint
6. Ali rad(a) ješ tudi korenje?
Do you like to eat carrots?   See hint
7. Imam čas.
I time.   See hint
8. Kje so kamele?
Where the camels?   See hint
9. Nimam pojma.
I no idea.   See hint
10. Opoldne gremo vedno v menzo.
We always to the cafeteria at noon.   See hint