Test 45

Čas, porabljen za test::

Sun Oct 06, 2024


Kliknite na besedo
1. Adijo!
2. od ponedeljka do nedelje
from to Sunday   See hint
3. Jem sendvič z margarino in paradižnikom.
I am a sandwich with margarine and tomatoes.   See hint
4. On govori več jezikov.
He speaks languages.   See hint
5. Ali lahko vidim to sobo?
I see the room?   See hint
6. Ali rad(a) ješ tudi papriko?
Do you like to eat peppers?   See hint
7. Tukaj se, prosim, ustavite.
Please here.   See hint
8. Kje so tigri in krokodili?
are the tigers and the crocodiles?   See hint
9. Sodnik prihaja iz Belgije.
referee is from Belgium.   See hint
10. Eno leto sem že brezposeln(a).
I have been unemployed for a year.   See hint