Test 84

Čas, porabljen za test::

Sat Oct 05, 2024


Kliknite na besedo
1. Berem črko. (Črkujem.)
read a letter (character).   See hint
2. dvanajst
3. Tam stoji moj računalnik.
My computer there.   See hint
4. Nimaš pri sebi mobilnega telefona?
Don’t have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you?   See hint
5. Rad bi čaj z limono.
I’d like tea with lemon.   See hint
6. Rad(a) bi rezerviral(a) let v Atene.
like to book a flight to Athens.   See hint
7. Potem zavijte v prvo ulico na desni.
Then turn the first street on your right.   See hint
8. Ali ste pogosto tukaj?
you come here often?   See hint
9. Hočem v samopostrežnico po sadje in zelenjavo.
I want go the supermarket buy fruit and vegetables.   See hint
10. Rišem moža.
am drawing a man.   See hint