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Learn Slovenian for free

Learn Slovene fast and easily with our language course ‘Slovene for beginners’.

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Learn Slovene - First words
Hi! Živjo!
Hello! Dober dan!
How are you? Kako vam (ti) gre? Kako ste (si)?
Good bye! Na svidenje!
See you soon! Se vidimo!

Why should you learn Slovene?

Learning Slovene opens the door to a unique cultural experience. Slovenia, a hidden gem in Europe, offers rich traditions, stunning landscapes, and a welcoming community. By understanding the language, you immerse yourself deeper into this vibrant culture. Slovene speakers are relatively few, making it a unique skill. This rarity adds value to your linguistic abilities and can make you stand out in job applications, especially in fields related to Slovenian culture, tourism, or business.

Understanding Slovene enhances travel experiences. Slovenia’s picturesque towns, alpine mountains, and vineyards are more accessible when you can communicate with locals. It allows for a more authentic and enriching journey through the country. With Slovene, you access original literary and historical texts. Slovenia has a rich literary tradition and history. Reading works in their original language offers deeper insights and a fuller appreciation of Slovenian heritage.

Language learning, in general, boosts brain health. Picking up Slovene, with its distinct Slavic structure, challenges your cognitive processes, improves memory, and increases mental flexibility. It’s a great way to keep your mind sharp. Slovene can be a gateway to other Slavic languages. Its grammatical structure and vocabulary share similarities with languages like Croatian and Serbian. Knowing Slovene can make learning these languages easier and faster.

Engaging with the Slovenian community becomes easier. Whether you’re living in Slovenia or abroad, speaking the local language helps in forming stronger connections and friendships. It shows respect and openness towards their culture. Exploring Slovene music, films, and media in their original language offers an unfiltered experience. It enables you to enjoy the nuances of humor, emotion, and cultural references that translations might miss. This deepens your appreciation of Slovenian artistic expressions.

Even Slovenian beginners can learn Slovenian efficiently with ‘50LANGUAGES’ through the practical sentences. First you will get to know the basic structures of the language. Sample dialogues help you to express yourself in the foreign language. Prior knowledge is not required.

Even advanced learners can repeat and consolidate what they have learned. You learn correct and frequently spoken sentences and you can use them immediately. You will be able to communicate in everyday situations. Use your lunch break or time in traffic to learn a few minutes of Slovenian. You learn on the go as well as at home.