Test 93

Koha e kaluar në test::

Mon Sep 30, 2024


Klikoni mbi një fjalë
1. Unё shkruaj njё shkronjё.
write a letter (character).   See hint
2. Njerёzit pijnё verё dhe birrё.
People are wine and beer.   See hint
3. Gjyshja ujit lulet.
is watering the flowers.   See hint
4. A shkojmё pёr piknik?
we have a picnic?   See hint
5. Njё lёng molle, ju lutem.
An apple , please.   See hint
6. Kur arrijmё atje?
will we be there?   See hint
7. Ku ёshtё qyteti i vjetёr?
is the old city?   See hint
8. Ja ku po vjen!
There is   See hint
9. Ku janё mobiljet?
Where the furniture?   See hint
10. Ai mban njё shkop nё duar.
He is a cane in his hands.   See hint