Test 22

Koha e kaluar në test::

Sun Sep 22, 2024


Klikoni mbi një fjalë
1. vёllai
the   See hint
2. Ёshtё ora dy.
is two o’clock.   See hint
3. Reja ёshtё gri.
The is grey / gray (am.).   See hint
4. Kёtu janё thikat, pirunjtё dhe lugёt.
Here are knives, forks and spoons.   See hint
5. A e shikon lumin?
Do you the river there?   See hint
6. Simite tё vogla me marmalatё dhe mjaltё?
with jam and honey?   See hint
7. Ai noton.
He ,   See hint
8. Sa e vjetёr ёshte ndёrtesa?
old is the building?   See hint
9. Do tё kisha qejf tё bёja ski mbi ujё.
I would to water ski.   See hint
10. Kёrkoj njё fotograf, pёr tё blerё njё film.
looking for a photo shop to buy a roll of film.   See hint