Test 11

Koha e kaluar në test::

Mon Sep 30, 2024


Klikoni mbi një fjalë
1. Ti je kёtu.
You here.   See hint
2. Katёr. I katërti.
Four. fourth.   See hint
3. Ata dёgjojnё me kёnaqёsi muzikё.
like to listen to music.   See hint
4. A ta laj sallatёn?
I rinse the lettuce?   See hint
5. Urdhёro patentёn time.
Here my licence / license (am.).   See hint
6. tridhjetёenjё
7. Autobusi tjetёr vjen pёr 15 minuta.
The next is in minutes.   See hint
8. A ёshtё e hapur ekspozita tё martave?
Is the open on Tuesdays?   See hint
9. Tё duhen shami hundёsh, sapun dhe njё gёrshёrё thonjsh.
You need , soap and a nail clipper.   See hint
10. Duam tё blejmё ilaçe.
want to buy medicine.   See hint