Test 29

Koha e kaluar në test::

Tue Oct 01, 2024


Klikoni mbi një fjalë
1. tre
2. Ёshtё ora nёntё.
is nine o’clock.   See hint
3. Çfarё ngjyre ёshtё bari? I gjelbërt.
What / color (am.) is the grass? Green.   See hint
4. Mё pёlqen muzika klasike.
I like music.   See hint
5. Kopshti atje mё pёlqen.
I that garden.   See hint
6. Ju lutem edhe njё gotё ujё.
glass of water, please.   See hint
7. Ku mund tё parkojmё kёtu?
can one park here?   See hint
8. Atje ёshtё kopshti zoologjik.
The zoo there.   See hint
9. Ku ёshtё ashensori pёr ngjitje?
is the ski lift?   See hint
10. Atje ёshtё arka.
cashier is over there.   See hint