Test 84

Koha e kaluar në test::

Sun Oct 06, 2024


Klikoni mbi një fjalë
1. Unё lexoj njё shkronjё.
read a letter (character).   See hint
2. dymbёdhjetё
3. Atje ёshtё kompjuteri im.
My computer there.   See hint
4. A s’ke celular me vete?
Don’t have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you?   See hint
5. Dua njё çaj me limon.
I’d like tea with lemon.   See hint
6. Dua tё rezervoj njё fluturim pёr Athinё.
like to book a flight to Athens.   See hint
7. Kthehuni pastaj nё rrugёn e parё djathtas.
Then turn the first street on your right.   See hint
8. A vini shpesh kёtu?
you come here often?   See hint
9. Dua tё shkoj nё supermarket pёr tё blerё fruta dhe perime.
I want go the supermarket buy fruit and vegetables.   See hint
10. Po vizatoj njё burrё.
am drawing a man.   See hint