Test 62

Koha e kaluar në test::

Mon Oct 07, 2024


Klikoni mbi një fjalë
1. Ata mёsojnё rusisht.
They Russian.   See hint
2. Po rri nё shtёpi.
staying at home.   See hint
3. Ёshtё ftohtё.
It cold.   See hint
4. Nesёr kёtu ka festё.
There’s a here tomorrow.   See hint
5. Dhoma ёshtё shumё e vogёl.
room is too small.   See hint
6. A duhet tё ndёrroj tren?
Do I to change trains?   See hint
7. Mё duhet njё shёrbim karrotreci.
need a towing service.   See hint
8. A ka ndonjё fushё golfi kёtu afёr?
Is there golf course nearby?   See hint
9. A ёshtё i pastёr uji?
Is water clean?   See hint
10. Kam etje.
to thirsty   See hint