Test 37

Koha e kaluar në test::

Mon Oct 07, 2024


Klikoni mbi një fjalë
1. Sa kohё keni kёtu?
How long you been here for?   See hint
2. e hёnё
3. Kam njё mollё dhe njё mango.
I have apple and a mango.   See hint
4. Po lexoj kёtё libёr.
I am reading this book.   See hint
5. njёzeteshtatё
6. Unё ha misёr me qejf.
I like eat (sweet) corn.   See hint
7. Sa kushton deri te stacioni i trenit?
does it cost to go to the station?   See hint
8. Ku janё pinguinёt?
Where the penguins?   See hint
9. Nё qytetin tonё ndodhet njё stadium futbolli.
There a football / soccer (am.) stadium in our city.   See hint
10. Dua tё studioj nё universitet.
want to go to college.   See hint