Test 12

Koha e kaluar në test::

Sun Sep 29, 2024


Klikoni mbi një fjalë
1. Ne jemi kёtu.
We here.   See hint
2. Pesё. I pesti.
Five. fifth.   See hint
3. Ku nuk shkoni me qejf?
Where do not like to go?   See hint
4. Ku jane gotat?
Where are glasses?   See hint
5. Çfarё mund tё vizitoj nё qytet?
What is to see in the city?   See hint
6. Dua njё antipastё.
would like a starter.   See hint
7. Kur niset metroja e fundit?
is the last train?   See hint
8. A ёshtё i hapur kopshti zoologjik tё mёrkurrave?
Is the open on Wednesdays?   See hint
9. Tё duhet njё krёhёr, njё furçe dhёmbёsh dhe njё pastё dhёmbёsh.
need a comb, a toothbrush and toothpaste.   See hint
10. Ne kёrkojmё njё dyqan sportiv pёr tё blerё njё top futbolli.
looking for a sports shop to buy a football.   See hint