Test 13

Koha e kaluar në test::

Sun Sep 29, 2024


Klikoni mbi një fjalë
1. Ju jeni kёtu.
You here.   See hint
2. Gjashtё. I gjashti.
Six. sixth.   See hint
3. Atyre nuk u pёlqen tё kёrcejnё.
They do like to dance.   See hint
4. Ku janё enёt?
Where the dishes?   See hint
5. Shkoni nё lagjen e vjetёr të qytetit.
to the old city.   See hint
6. Dua njё sallatё.
would like a salad.   See hint
7. Kur niset tramvaji i fundit?
is the last tram?   See hint
8. A ёshtё i hapur muzeu tё enjteve?
Is the open on Thursdays?   See hint
9. dyzetёetetё
10. Ne kёrkojmё njё dyqan mishi pёr tё blerё sallam.
We’re looking a butcher shop to buy salami.   See hint