Test 21

Koha e kaluar në test::

Mon Sep 30, 2024


Klikoni mbi një fjalë
1. e bija / vajza
daughter   See hint
2. Ёshtё ora njё.
is one o’clock.   See hint
3. Toka ёshtё kafe.
The is brown.   See hint
4. Unё shtroj tavolinёn.
am setting the table.   See hint
5. A e shikon fshatin?
Do you the village there?   See hint
6. Çfarё doni pёr mёngjes?
What would like for breakfast?   See hint
7. Ai udhёton me varkё.
He by boat.   See hint
8. Çfarё ndёrtese ёshtё kjo?
What building that?   See hint
9. Do tё kisha qejf tё zhytesha.
would like to dive.   See hint
10. Kёrkoj njё argjendari, pёr tё blerё njё unazё.
looking for a jeweler to buy a ring.   See hint