Test 50

Koha e kaluar në test::

Wed Oct 02, 2024


Klikoni mbi një fjalë
1. Ne jemi nё shkollё.
We at school.   See hint
2. Dita e pestё ёshtё e premtja.
fifth day is Friday.   See hint
3. Na duhen karrota dhe domate pёr supёn.
We need and tomatoes for the soup.   See hint
4. Jam pёrkthyes.
I a translator.   See hint
5. Urdhёroni valixhen time.
Here is luggage.   See hint
6. Kur niset treni tjetёr pёr Berlin?
When is next train to Berlin?   See hint
7. Nё rregull, kusurin mbajeni.
That is , please keep the change.   See hint
8. Çfarё shfaqet sot nё mbrёmje nё teatёr?
What’s at the theatre / theater (am.) this evening?   See hint
9. A shkojmё nё pishinё?
Shall we to the swimming pool?   See hint
10. Tё kesh frikё
to afraid   See hint