Test 60

Koha e kaluar në test::

Thu Oct 03, 2024


Klikoni mbi një fjalë
1. Ne mёsojmё frëngjisht.
We French.   See hint
2. Sot ёshtё e dielё.
Today Sunday.   See hint
3. Nё dimёr bie borё ose shi.
It snows rains in winter.   See hint
4. Sa vapё!
It’s so   See hint
5. Dhoma s’ka ballkon.
room has no balcony.   See hint
6. Kur arrin treni nё Moskё?
When does train arrive in Moscow?   See hint
7. Mos keni ndonjё bidon rezervё?
Do have a petrol can / jerry can / gas can (am.)?   See hint
8. Kur fillon shfaqja?
does the show begin?   See hint
9. Ku janё syzet e notit?
are the swimming goggles?   See hint
10. A keni uri?
Are hungry?   See hint