Test 74

Koha e kaluar në test::

Fri Oct 04, 2024


Klikoni mbi një fjalë
1. Madridi dhe Berlini janё gjithashtu kryeqytete.
Madrid and are also capital cities.   See hint
2. janar, shkurt, mars,
January, , March,   See hint
3. Poshtё ёshtё bodrumi.
The basement below.   See hint
4. Shqiptimi juaj ёshtё mjaft i mirё.
pronunciation is very good.   See hint
5. A ёshtё e zёnё tavolina?
Is table taken?   See hint
6. Mё duket se ju jeni ulur nё vendin tim.
I think sitting in my seat.   See hint
7. A mund tё mё ndihmoni?
Can you me?   See hint
8. A mund tё rezervohen biletat?
Can reserve tickets?   See hint
9. Dua tё shkoj nё bibliotekё tё marr njё libёr.
I want go the library borrow a book.   See hint
10. Ku ju dhemb?
Where it hurt?   See hint