Test 75

Koha e kaluar në test::

Fri Oct 04, 2024


Klikoni mbi një fjalë
1. Kryeqytetet janё tё mёdhenj dhe tё zhurmshёm.
Capital cities big and noisy.   See hint
2. prill, maj dhe qershor.
April, and June.   See hint
3. Mbrapa shtёpisё ёshtё kopshti.
There is garden behind the house.   See hint
4. Ju keni njё nuancë në shqiptim.
You only a slight accent.   See hint
5. Menynё ju lutem.
I would the menu, please.   See hint
6. Ku ёshtё vagoni me shtretёr?
Where the sleeper?   See hint
7. Ku ndodhet ndonjё restorant i mirё kёtu?
Is there good restaurant around here?   See hint
8. Filmi ishte tёrheqёs.
The film exciting.   See hint
9. Dua tё shkoj nё librari tё blej njё libёr.
I want go the bookstore buy a book.   See hint
10. Kam gjithmonё dhimbje kurrizi.
always have back pain.   See hint