Test 76

Koha e kaluar në test::

Fri Oct 04, 2024


Klikoni mbi një fjalë
1. Franca ndodhet nё Europё.
France is Europe.   See hint
2. korriku
3. Pranё shtёpisё ka pemё.
There are next to the house.   See hint
4. Dalloheni se nga vini.
One can where you come from.   See hint
5. Çfarё mё këshilloni?
What you recommend?   See hint
6. Vagoni me shtretёr ёshtё nё fund tё trenit.
The sleeper at the end of the train.   See hint
7. Ecni majtas, nё qoshe.
Take a at the corner.   See hint
8. Filmi s’ishte i mёrzitshёm.
film was not boring.   See hint
9. Dua tё shkoj te kioska pёr tё blerё njё gazetё.
I to go to the kiosk / newspaper stand to buy a newspaper.   See hint
10. Kam shpesh dhimbje koke.
I have headaches.   See hint