Test 79

Koha e kaluar në test::

Sat Oct 05, 2024


Klikoni mbi një fjalë
1. Kanadaja ndodhet nё Amerikёn e Veriut.
is in North America.   See hint
2. tetori
3. Dera e shtёpisё ёshtё e mbyllur.
front door is closed.   See hint
4. Çfarё libri pёrdorni?
textbook are you using?   See hint
5. Do tё doja njё lёng portokalli.
I’d like orange juice.   See hint
6. A ёshtё treni me vonesё?
Is train delayed?   See hint
7. Mund tё udhёtoni dhe mbrapa meje.
You can follow me with your car.   See hint
8. A kishte titra nё anglisht?
Were there subtitles?   See hint
9. Dua tё shkoj te furra e bukёs.
want to go to the bakery.   See hint
10. Tensioni i gjakut ёshtё nё rregull.
blood pressure is okay.   See hint