Test 85

Koha e kaluar në test::

Sat Oct 05, 2024


Klikoni mbi një fjalë
1. Unё lexoj njё fjalё.
I read word.   See hint
2. Unё pi çaj.
I tea.   See hint
3. Televizori ёshtё i ri fare.
The TV is brand new.   See hint
4. Herёn tjetёr ji korrekt!
Be next time   See hint
5. Dua njё çaj me qumёsht.
I’d like tea with milk.   See hint
6. A ёshtё një fluturim direkt?
it a direct flight?   See hint
7. Udhёtoni pastaj drejt deri te kryqёzimi tjetёr.
Then drive through the next intersection.   See hint
8. S’kam qenё asnjёherё kёtu.
I’ve never here before.   See hint
9. Dua tё shkoj te furra e bukёs pёr tё blerё simite dhe bukё.
I want go the baker buy rolls and bread.   See hint
10. Nё fillim kokёn.
First head.   See hint