Test 87

Koha e kaluar në test::

Sat Oct 05, 2024


Klikoni mbi një fjalë
1. Une lexoj njё letёr.
I a letter.   See hint
2. Unё pi ujё mineral.
I mineral water.   See hint
3. Sot ёshtё e shtunё.
Today Saturday.   See hint
4. Herёn tjetёr merr njё çadёr me vete!
Take an with you next time   See hint
5. A keni njё tavёll duhani?
you have an ashtray?   See hint
6. Dua tё konfirmoj rezervimin.
I would to confirm my reservation.   See hint
7. Mё mirё merrni metronё.
It best if you take the underground / subway (am.).   See hint
8. Mё vonё ndoshta.
later.   See hint
9. A shkojmё nё njё qendёr tregtare?
Shall we to the department store?   See hint
10. Nuk i duken flokёt.
cannot see the hair.   See hint