Test 90

Koha e kaluar në test::

Sun Oct 06, 2024


Klikoni mbi një fjalë
1. Ti lexon.
read.   See hint
2. A e pi ujin me akull?
Do you water with ice?   See hint
3. Unё pastroj banjon.
am cleaning the bathroom.   See hint
4. Mё vjen keq, nesёr s’mundem.
I’m sorry, can’t make it tomorrow.   See hint
5. Mё mungon njё thikё.
missing a knife.   See hint
6. Kur niset avioni tjetёr pёr Romё?
When is next flight to Rome?   See hint
7. Ku ёshtё zyra e turizmit?
Where is tourist information office?   See hint
8. Po jua tregoj.
I’ll show ,   See hint
9. Ku janё artikujt e zyrave?
are the office supplies?   See hint
10. Unё po i vizatoj sytё dhe gojёn.
am drawing the eyes and the mouth.   See hint