ጸወታታት Try our ’Memo Game’ to train your memory while strengthening your vocabulary in a new language. Simply click on a card to flip it over, then try to find its matching pair from the rest of the cards in as few attempts as possible.
ኣሕምልቲ » Legumes
ስነ-ቓላትካ ብሓድሽ ቋንቋ እናሓየልካ ዝኽርኻ ንምስልጣን ’መዘክር ጸወታና’ ፈትን። ኣብ ሓንቲ ካርድ ጠዊቕካ ምግልባጥ ጥራይ እዩ፣ ድሕሪኡ ብዝተኻእለ መጠን ካብተን ዝተረፋ ካርድታት ዝሰማማዕ ጽምዲኡ ብውሑድ ፈተነታት ክትረኽቦ ፈትን።0
Memo Game
ሕምሊ ሽኮርያ
ካዝሜር ዝመስል ዓይነት ፍሩታ
o abacate
o alho-porro
o repolho vermelho
o quiabo
ፍረ ዱባ
a chicória
o aipo
ዝኩኒ ዝመስል ዓይነት ተኽሊ
ቀይሕ ካውሎ
o pepino
as sementes de abóbora
ድንሽ ዝመስል ጻዕዳ ወይ ቀይሕ ተክሊ
o rabanete
ሕምሊ ሽኮርያ
ካዝሜር ዝመስል ዓይነት ፍሩታ
o abacate
o alho-porro
o repolho vermelho
o quiabo
ፍረ ዱባ
a chicória
o aipo
ዝኩኒ ዝመስል ዓይነት ተኽሊ
ቀይሕ ካውሎ
o pepino
as sementes de abóbora
ድንሽ ዝመስል ጻዕዳ ወይ ቀይሕ ተክሊ
o rabanete