መጽሓፍ ሓረጋት።

ti ኣብ ቤት-ገርድሽ   »   en At the zoo

43 [ኣርብዓንሰለስተን]

ኣብ ቤት-ገርድሽ

ኣብ ቤት-ገርድሽ

43 [forty-three]

At the zoo

ነቲ ትርጉም ብኸመይ ክትሪኦ ከም እትደሊ ምረጽ፤   
ትግሪኛ እንግሊዝኛ (UK) ተፃወት ቡዙሕ
ኣብኡ ቤት-እንስሳት ኣሎ። Th--zo--i--t-e--. T__ z__ i_ t_____ T-e z-o i- t-e-e- ----------------- The zoo is there. 0
እተን ዘራፋት ኣብኡ ኣለዋ። The--ira-fe- -re--h---. T__ g_______ a__ t_____ T-e g-r-f-e- a-e t-e-e- ----------------------- The giraffes are there. 0
ኣበይ ኣለው እቶም ድብታት Wh--e -r-------e-r-? W____ a__ t__ b_____ W-e-e a-e t-e b-a-s- -------------------- Where are the bears? 0
ኣበይ ኣለው እቶም ሓረምዝ ? W---- a----he el-p---ts? W____ a__ t__ e_________ W-e-e a-e t-e e-e-h-n-s- ------------------------ Where are the elephants? 0
ኣበይ ኣለው እቶም ኣትማን? Whe-e -re -h- -nake-? W____ a__ t__ s______ W-e-e a-e t-e s-a-e-? --------------------- Where are the snakes? 0
ኣበይ ኣለው እቶም ኣንበሳታት ? Where--re t-e----ns? W____ a__ t__ l_____ W-e-e a-e t-e l-o-s- -------------------- Where are the lions? 0
ኣነ ሓንቲ ካሜራ ኣላትኒ። I-h-ve a-came--. I h___ a c______ I h-v- a c-m-r-. ---------------- I have a camera. 0
ቪድዮ ካሜራ እውን ኣላትኒ። I --s--have-- vi--o ca---a. I a___ h___ a v____ c______ I a-s- h-v- a v-d-o c-m-r-. --------------------------- I also have a video camera. 0
ሓደ ባትሪ ኣበይ ኣሎ? Wher------- --n- a-------y? W____ c__ I f___ a b_______ W-e-e c-n I f-n- a b-t-e-y- --------------------------- Where can I find a battery? 0
ኣበይ ኣለው እቶም ፐንጒናት ? W---e--r- --- pe--u-n-? W____ a__ t__ p________ W-e-e a-e t-e p-n-u-n-? ----------------------- Where are the penguins? 0
ኣበይ ኣለው እቶም ከንጉሩታት ? W--r----e -he-k-n-aroos? W____ a__ t__ k_________ W-e-e a-e t-e k-n-a-o-s- ------------------------ Where are the kangaroos? 0
ኣበይ ኣለው እቶም ሓሪሻት W-e---are---e--h--os? W____ a__ t__ r______ W-e-e a-e t-e r-i-o-? --------------------- Where are the rhinos? 0
ሽቓቕ ኣበይ ኣሎ? Wh-r--is --- --ile- / r-st--om -am.)? W____ i_ t__ t_____ / r_______ (_____ W-e-e i- t-e t-i-e- / r-s-r-o- (-m-)- ------------------------------------- Where is the toilet / restroom (am.)? 0
ኣብኡ ሓደ እንዳ ሻሂ ኣሎ። T--re-i- ---af---ve--t-e--. T____ i_ a c___ o___ t_____ T-e-e i- a c-f- o-e- t-e-e- --------------------------- There is a café over there. 0
ኣብኡ ሓደ ቤት-መግቢ ኣሎ። Th-r--i--a----t--r-n- over-the-e. T____ i_ a r_________ o___ t_____ T-e-e i- a r-s-a-r-n- o-e- t-e-e- --------------------------------- There is a restaurant over there. 0
ኣበይ ኣለው እቶም ኣግማል? Wh--e -r--th--ca--ls? W____ a__ t__ c______ W-e-e a-e t-e c-m-l-? --------------------- Where are the camels? 0
ኣበይ ኣለው እቶም ጎሪላታትን ኣእዱግ በረኻን Wh-r- are-t-e--or-l-a--an----e-z-b--s? W____ a__ t__ g_______ a__ t__ z______ W-e-e a-e t-e g-r-l-a- a-d t-e z-b-a-? -------------------------------------- Where are the gorillas and the zebras? 0
ኣበይ ኣለው እቶም ሓራግጽን ኣናብርን ? Whe-- -r- -he ti-e---a-d the c-o--di-e-? W____ a__ t__ t_____ a__ t__ c__________ W-e-e a-e t-e t-g-r- a-d t-e c-o-o-i-e-? ---------------------------------------- Where are the tigers and the crocodiles? 0


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