ፈተና 52

ኣብ ፈተና ዘሕለፎ ግዜ፤:

Wed Sep 25, 2024


ኣብ ሓንቲ ቃል ጠውቕ
1. እዚኣቶም እቶም ተመሃሮ እዮም።
are the school children.   See hint
2. እቲ ሻብዓይ መዓልቲ ሰንበት እዩ።
seventh day is Sunday.   See hint
3. ዓሰርተሽዱሽተ
4. ኣብዚ በይንኹም ኣሎኹም ዶ?
Are you here?   See hint
5. ምሳሕ ሰዓት ክንደይ ኣዩ?
What time you serve lunch?   See hint
6. ናብ ለንደን ትኸይድ ባቡር ብሕጂ ምዓስ ኣላ ?
When is next train to London?   See hint
7. ናብቲ ሆተለይ ኣብጽሑኒ ኢኹም።
me to my hotel.   See hint
8. ሎሚ ምሸት ኣብ ተለቪዦን እንታይ ዝረአ ኣሎ?
What’s on this evening?   See hint
9. ሽጎማነ ኣለካ ዲዩ?
you have a towel?   See hint
10. ኣነ ፍርሒ የብለይን።
I not afraid.   See hint