ፈተና 55

ኣብ ፈተና ዘሕለፎ ግዜ፤:

Wed Sep 25, 2024


ኣብ ሓንቲ ቃል ጠውቕ
1. እንታይ ክንገብር ኢና?
What are doing?   See hint
2. ዓሰርተ
3. ከውዒን ክረምትን።
autumn / (am.) and winter.   See hint
4. ይርብሸኩም ዲየ እንድሕር ኣትኪኸ ?
Does it you if I smoke?   See hint
5. እቲ ሻወር ኣይሰርሕን እዩ።
shower isn’t working.   See hint
6. ባቡር ናብ ቡዳፐስት ስዓት ክንደይ ኢያ ትኸይድ?
When does train for Budapest leave?   See hint
7. ኣብዚ ቀረባ እንዳ ንዳዲ ኣበይ ኣሎ?
Where is next gas station?   See hint
8. ንጸወታ ክዑሶ ምእተዊ ትኬት ኣሎ ዶ?
Are for the football / soccer am. game still available?   See hint
9. ክትሕምባስ ትኽእል ዶ?
Can swim?   See hint
10. ንሱ ግዜ የብሉን።
He has time.   See hint