ፈተና 15

ኣብ ፈተና ዘሕለፎ ግዜ፤:

Mon Sep 30, 2024


ኣብ ሓንቲ ቃል ጠውቕ
1. ክልተ
2. ሸሞንተ። እቲ ሻምናይ።
Eight. eighth.   See hint
3. ውርጪ(በረድ)ጻዕዳ እዩ።
Snow white.   See hint
4. መኽፈቲ ታኒካ ኣለካ ድዩ?
Do have a tin opener / can opener (am.)?   See hint
5. ናብ ወደብ ኪዱ።
Go the harbour / harbor (am.).   See hint
6. ኣነ ድሕሪ ምግቢ ዝብላዕ ደልየ።
would like a dessert.   See hint
7. ቲከት ኣለኩም ዶ?
you have a ticket?   See hint
8. ፎቶ ከተልዕል ይፍቐድ ድዩ?
Can one photographs?   See hint
9. ኣብኡ ክትሕምብስ ትኽእል ዶ?
Can swim there?   See hint
10. እንዳ ወርቂ እደሊ ኣሎኹ።
I’m for a jeweller / jeweler (am.).   See hint