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Learn Ukrainian for free

Learn Ukrainian fast and easily with our language course ‘Ukrainian for beginners’.

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Learn Ukrainian - First words
Hi! Привіт!
Hello! Доброго дня!
How are you? Як справи?
Good bye! До побачення!
See you soon! До зустрічі!

Why should you learn Ukrainian?

Learning Ukrainian connects you to a rich cultural tapestry. It opens up the vibrant traditions, history, and arts of Ukraine, allowing for a deeper appreciation and understanding of this diverse country. Exploring Ukraine becomes a more immersive experience when you speak Ukrainian. You can navigate its beautiful cities and countryside with ease, engaging with locals in their native language, which enriches your travel adventures.

Ukrainian literature is a treasure trove of poetic and narrative brilliance. Reading works by Taras Shevchenko, Lesya Ukrainka, and contemporary authors in their original language offers profound insights into the Ukrainian soul. Understanding Ukrainian enhances your enjoyment of its music and cinema. You’ll appreciate the lyrical beauty of Ukrainian songs and the storytelling nuances in films, connecting more deeply with the country’s creative output.

The challenge of learning Ukrainian is intellectually stimulating. Its unique vocabulary and grammatical structure provide a rewarding cognitive workout, improving memory, analytical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Ukrainian is a gateway to other Slavic languages. With its similarities to Belarusian, Polish, and Russian, mastering Ukrainian makes learning these languages easier, broadening your linguistic and cultural horizons.

Learning Ukrainian opens up professional opportunities. As Ukraine’s economy grows and integrates with the global market, proficiency in Ukrainian can be valuable in fields such as agriculture, technology, and energy. Embracing Ukrainian is about more than learning a language; it’s about connecting with a nation’s heart and spirit. It enriches your life with new perspectives, friendships, and an understanding of a resilient and proud culture.

Even Ukrainian beginners can learn Ukrainian efficiently with ‘50LANGUAGES’ through the practical sentences. First you will get to know the basic structures of the language. Sample dialogues help you to express yourself in the foreign language. Prior knowledge is not required.

Even advanced learners can repeat and consolidate what they have learned. You learn correct and frequently spoken sentences and you can use them immediately. You will be able to communicate in everyday situations. Use your lunch break or time in traffic to learn a few minutes of Ukrainian. You learn on the go as well as at home.