© Freesurf - Fotolia | Dresden, Zwinger museum
© Freesurf - Fotolia | Dresden, Zwinger museum

Alifboni o’rganing Alphabets are essential to learn if you want to read and write in the language you are learning. They provide useful information on the sounds of letters in languages and help you sound more natural when you speak.

Xorijiy alifbolarni onlayn o’rganing. 40 dan ortiq alifbolar mavjud.

Agar siz o’rganayotgan tilda o’qish va yozishni istasangiz, alifbolarni o’rganish juda muhimdir. Ular tillardagi harflarning tovushlari haqida foydali ma’lumot beradi va gapirganda tabiiyroq tovush chiqarishga yordam beradi. Hozir oʻrganishni boshlash uchun pastga aylantiring va 40 dan ortiq alifbodan tanlang.

uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
a - [aː]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
be - [beː]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
ce - [tseː]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
de - [deː]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
e - [eː]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
ef - [ɛf]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
ge - [geː]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
ha - [xaː]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
i - [iː]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
jot - [jɔt]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
ka - [kaː]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
el - [ɛl]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
em - [ɛm]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
en - [ɛn]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
o - [oː]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
pe - [peː]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
ku - [kuː]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
er - [ɛr]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
es - [ɛs]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
te - [teː]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
u - [uː]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
vau - [faʊ]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
we - [veː]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
iks - [iks]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
ypsilon - ['ʏpsilɔn]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
zett - [tsɛt]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
äh - [ɛː]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
öh - [øː]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
üh - [yː]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
eszett, scharfes es - [ɛs'tsɛt]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
- [aiː]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
- [auː]
uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image uz - Alphabet Image
- [oiː]