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© Arazu | Dreamstime.com

RaqamlarMost languages have number systems, and these can vary quite a bit. Scroll down to discover and learn interesting number systems from all around the world.

Ko’pgina tillarda raqam tizimlari mavjud va ular bir oz farq qilishi mumkin. Dunyo bo’ylab qiziqarli raqam tizimlarini kashf qilish va o’rganish uchun pastga aylantiring.

Raqamni bosing

number container
[بیست و یک]‬

[yigirma bir]

number container
[بیست و دو]‬

[yigirma ikki]

number container
[بیست و سه]‬

[yigirma uch]

number container
[بیست و چهار]‬

[yigirma tort]

number container
[بیست و پنج]‬

[yigirma besh]

number container
[بیست و شش]‬

[yigirma olti]

number container
[بیست و هفت]‬

[yigirma yetti]

number container
[بیست و هشت]‬

[yigirma sakkiz]

number container
[بیست و نه]‬

[yigirma toqqiz]

number container
