So’zlashuv kitobi

uz Hisoblash   »   em Numbers

7 [etti]



7 [seven]


Tarjimani qanday korishni tanlang:   
Uzbek English (US) O’ynang Ko’proq
Men hisoblayman: I cou--: I c_____ I c-u-t- -------- I count: 0
bir ikki uch on-, ---- -hree o___ t___ t____ o-e- t-o- t-r-e --------------- one, two, three 0
Men uchgacha hisoblayman. I-count-t- t--e-. I c____ t_ t_____ I c-u-t t- t-r-e- ----------------- I count to three. 0
Men hisoblashda davom etaman: I ---nt ---the-: I c____ f_______ I c-u-t f-r-h-r- ---------------- I count further: 0
tort, besh, olti, f--r- ---e, -ix, f____ f____ s___ f-u-, f-v-, s-x- ---------------- four, five, six, 0
etti sakkiz toqqiz s-ve-- -ight- n-ne s_____ e_____ n___ s-v-n- e-g-t- n-n- ------------------ seven, eight, nine 0
hisoblayman I--ount. I c_____ I c-u-t- -------- I count. 0
siz hisoblaysiz You----n-. Y__ c_____ Y-u c-u-t- ---------- You count. 0
Aytdi. H- -o-nts. H_ c______ H- c-u-t-. ---------- He counts. 0
Bir. Birinchi. O--.------i-s-. O___ T__ f_____ O-e- T-e f-r-t- --------------- One. The first. 0
Ikki. Ikkinchisi. T-o.-T-- sec--d. T___ T__ s______ T-o- T-e s-c-n-. ---------------- Two. The second. 0
Uch. Uchinchisi. Th-ee.-------ird. T_____ T__ t_____ T-r-e- T-e t-i-d- ----------------- Three. The third. 0
Tort. Tortinchisi. F-ur.-------ur--. F____ T__ f______ F-u-. T-e f-u-t-. ----------------- Four. The fourth. 0
Besh. Beshinchisi. Fi-e- The-fi--h. F____ T__ f_____ F-v-. T-e f-f-h- ---------------- Five. The fifth. 0
Olti. Oltinchisi. Si-.--h--s--th. S___ T__ s_____ S-x- T-e s-x-h- --------------- Six. The sixth. 0
Yetti. Ettinchisi. Se-e-. --- --v-n-h. S_____ T__ s_______ S-v-n- T-e s-v-n-h- ------------------- Seven. The seventh. 0
Sakkiz. Sakkizinchisi. E--h-- -h- eigh-h. E_____ T__ e______ E-g-t- T-e e-g-t-. ------------------ Eight. The eighth. 0
Toqqiz. Toqqizinchi. N-n---The--in-h. N____ T__ n_____ N-n-. T-e n-n-h- ---------------- Nine. The ninth. 0


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